Immunology and Neuroimmunology Area
Neuronal circuits in developmental disorders
Research Activity
In our laboratory, the main research interest is centered on the field of neuroplasticity. We study the neural mechanisms underlying the capability of the brain to rewire itself in response to environmental pressures or being the key mechanism for neurorehabilitation in case of injury and for the prevention of neurodegenerative disorders later in life. We focus on the hippocampus and neocortex, and our experimental approach includes, among others, in vivo recording techniques (extracellular LFP recordings and single- photon calcium imaging) and neuronal activity manipulation (optogenetics and pharmacogenetics) in behaving animals, combined with anatomical tracing.
In collaboration with Prof. Antonella Viola and Prof. Matteo Caleo, we are currently developing a mouse model for perinatal stroke to study how the microglia function within the neuronal milieu surrounding the lesion may affect the neuroplasticity underlying the spontaneous functional recovery.
Team Members
Dr. Manuela Allegra – Junior Principal Investigator
Dr. Livia Vignozzi – Post Doc
Dr. Gianmarco Cuboni – PhD Student
Dr. Emanuela Beretta – PhD Student
Dr. Giacomo Vecchieschi – Research Fellow
Dr. Catalina Campuzano – Research Fellow
Selected Publications
• Gandit B, Posani L, Zhang CL, Soham S, Ortiz C, Allegra M*, Schmidt-Hieber C*. Transformation of spatial representations along hippocampal circuits. iScience, 2024 (accepted for publication)
• Allegra M, Posani L, Gómez-Ocádiz R, Schmidt-Hieber C. Differential Relation between Neuronal and Behavioral Discrimination during Memory Encoding. Neuron Vol 108, issue 6, P1103-1112.E6, Dec 23, 2020
• Busti I*, Allegra M*, Spalletti C, Panzi C, Restani L, Billuart P, Caleo M. ROCK/PKA Inhibition Rescues Hippocampal Hyperexcitability and GABAergic Neuron Alterations in a Oligophrenin-1 Knock-Out Mouse Model of X-Linked Intellectual Disability. J Neurosci. 2020 Mar 25;40(13):2776-2788
• Busti I*, Allegra M*, Spalletti C, Panzi C, Restani L, Billuart P, Caleo M. ROCK/PKA Inhibition Rescues Hippocampal Hyperexcitability and GABAergic Neuron Alterations in a Oligophrenin-1 Knock-Out Mouse Model of X-Linked Intellectual Disability. J Neurosci. 2020 Mar 25;40(13):2776-2788