Flow Cytometry
Flow cytometry helps examine specific cell populations sorting them for their size, proteins, DNA ploidy and immunophenotype, making it an essential tool for many applications.
Flow Cytometry
Flow cytometry helps examine specific cell populations sorting them for their size, proteins, DNA ploidy and immunophenotype, making it an essential tool for many applications.

Facility manager Dr. Chiara Frasson
The Flow Cytometry and Sorting Facility offers to all research’s groups an efficient and personalized service. The facility provides three cytometers: a FC500-Beckman Coulter (equipped with a 488 nm laser), a Cytoflex- Beckman Coulter (equipped with three lasers: 488nm, 633nm and 405nm), a FACS Celesta -Becton Dickinson (equipped with four lasers: 488nm, 633nm, 405nm and 562nm) and two cell sorters: a MoFlo XDP (Beckman Coulter) and a FACS Aria III (Becton Dickinson). Both sorters are equipped with three lasers (MoFlo XDP: 488nm, 633nm and 355nm; FACS Aria III: 488nm, 633nm and 375nm).