Epidemiology of and Risk Factors for BK Polyomavirus Replication and Nephropathy in Pediatric Renal Transplant Recipients: An International CERTAIN Registry Study

Höcker B, Schneble L, Murer L, Carraro A, Pape L, Kranz B, Oh J, Zirngibl M, Dello Strologo L, Büscher A, Weber LT, Awan A, Pohl M, Bald M, Printza N, Rusai K, Peruzzi L, Topaloglu R, Fichtner A, Krupka K, Köster L, Bruckner T, Schnitzler P, Hirsch HH, Tönshoff B.

Transplantation. 2018 Aug 20 [Epub ahead of print]