Transcriptional programming of lipid and amino acid metabolism by the skeletal muscle circadian clock Dyar KA, Hubert MJ, Mir AA, Ciciliot S, Lutter D, Greulich F, Quagliarini F, Kleinert M, Fischer K, Eichmann TO, Wright LE, Peña Paz MI, Casarin A, Pertegato V,...
How can nanotechnology help the fight against breast cancer? Elisabetta Avitabile, Davide Bedognetti, Gianni Ciofani, Alberto Bianco and Lucia Gemma Delogu Nanoscale
Could the interaction between LMX1B and PAX2 influence the severity of renal symptoms? Negrisolo S, Carraro A, Fregonese G, Benetti E, Schaefer F, Alberti M, Melchionda S, Fischetto R, Giordano M, Murer L European Society of Human Genetics 2018