HANDS4RARE – Rare Disease Day 2024 In occasione della giornata internazionale delle Malattie rare (Rare Disease Day, 29 febbraio 2024) torna HANDS4RARE, un evento rivolto a sensibilizzare tutta la popolazione su questo tema, delicato e poco conosciuto.Le malattie rare...
Eugenio Baraldi nuovo direttore scientifico di IRP Città della Speranza La rettrice dell’Università degli Studi di Padova, professoressa Daniela Mapelli, ha indicato il Professor Eugenio Baraldi, Direttore del Dipartimento di Salute della Donna e del Bambino, per il...
Intesa San Paolo and the Città Della Speranza foundation: “a cryotank for pediatric research” Intesa Sanpaolo and the Città della Speranza Foundation (City of Hope) have begun collecting funds through For Funding, the bank’s crowdfunding platform, for the project “A...
HANDS4RARE More than 300 million of people around the world live with a rare disease. It is a difficult condition, because in addition to losing health, persons with a rare disease often experience loneliness, uncertainty, the difficulty of finding adequate answers...
The new year began with the announcement of the names of the winners of the Fellowship 2022 by the Umberto Veronesi Foundation. We are very proud to announce that three of our researchers have won the coveted scholarship to support their research activities for the...
A recent study by research groups of Professor Raffaello and Professor Rosario Pizzuti of the University of Padua, which involved the Institute of Biomembranes, Bioenergetics and Molecular Biotechnologies (IBIOM), the University of Bari, the National Institute of...