Curriculum Vitae
Scopus ID: 15847798700
Prof. Cimetta graduated in Chemical Engineering and obtained her PhD in Industrial Engineering at the University of Padua. In 2010, after a 1 year PostDoc in Padova under the supervision of Prof. Elvassore, she won an international selection for a position of Associate Research Scientist (ARS) at the Biomedical Engineering Dept. at Columbia University, New York, NY, USA. She held this position between 2010 and 2013 at the “Laboratory for Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering” under the supervision of Prof. Vunjak-Novakovic. During the same time span, the New York Stem Cell Foundation awarded her one of their prestigious fellowships. In 2011, Prof. Cimetta obtained a certification for the successful completion of the Postbaccalaureate Business Program at Columbia University. She is a co-founder of EpiBone, a Columbia University spinoff that aims at generating custom-shaped bone and osteochondral tissues starting from the patients’ own stem cells.
In 2016, she won a selection for an Assistant Professor (RTDb) position at the Dept. of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padua. She is now Associate Professor in the same department. In 2017, she was granted an ERC Starting Grant from the European Union, the most prestigious research award for young scientists in Europe. During the same year, she also joined the IRP, an opportunity that enabled to greatly strengthen the biological aspects and significance of her laboratory’s research.
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Prof. Cimetta’s main research interests are focused on the application of engineering principles to biological studies.Contatti
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