Prof. Lara Mussolin
Curriculum Vitae
Scopus ID: 8886437100
Prof. L. Mussolin is an Associate Professor of the Department of Woman and Child Health in Padova, Italy. She is a member of the scientific committee of Pediatric Research Institute CittĂ della Speranza. She is responsible for molecular diagnosis of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs) of childhood for all national AIEOP (Associazione Italiana di Emato-Oncologia Pediatrica) centres. Prof. Mussolin has throughout her research career focused on the childhood NHL biological studies. She coordinates a research group aimed to identify new prognostic markers and biological criteria for risk stratification in pediatric lymphoma. She is involved in several international collaborative efforts; she is member of the EICNHL (European InterGroup of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma) Group and in 2023 she was elected chair of Biology of this international network. She is member of European Research Initiative of ALK-related malignancies (ERIA). The main task of ERIA is to strengthen cooperation and partnership of research groups focused on the role of ALK in cancer. A consortium, together with some of these members, was recently founded with the aim to train and educate talented researchers. Prof. Mussolin is the Italian national PI of this consortium
She is invited to numerous national and international conferences as a speaker. Prof. Mussolin’s activity in the field of pediatric oncology is demonstrated by her publications, which include more than 80 international papers, book chapters and more than 300 abstracts for poster/oral presentations at national and international meetings.